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Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences

(13 Disciplines)

Biodiversity & Conservation

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Climate Studies & Meteorology

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Earth Sciences

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.


Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Environmental Economics & Policy

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Environmental Management

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Environmental Sciences

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.


Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Hydrology & Water Management

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Natural Resource Management

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Soil Science

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

Sustainable Development

Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.


Academic disciplines or fields of study are known as fields of knowledge. It is taught as an accredited part of higher education. A scholar’s specialization is generally defined and recognized by university faculty. The person is accredited by the society to which they belong, along with the journal they publish. However, no formal standards exist for defining an academic discipline.

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EDU-SEARCH Language Course Calculator

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Subtotal for Your Courses (9-24 Weeks): £ 
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Subtotal for Your Courses (25-50 Weeks): £ 
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Subtotal for Your Accommodation: £ 
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Total Cost for Language Course : £ 
Total Cost for Language Course : £ 

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Total Cost for Course from agents (No Discount) : £ 
EDU-SEARCH Discount : £ 
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Total Cost for Course from agents (No Discount) : £ 
EDU-SEARCH Discount : £ 
This calculation and the resulting figure will constitute the basis for your Language Course Reservation.
Total Cost for Course from agents (No Discount) : £ 
EDU-SEARCH Discount : £ 
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